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Case Results

$2 Million
Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice cases are among the most complicated personal injury claims a lawyer can handle.  In this case, the client had contacted several law firms prior to hiring Ray, and the other law firms had turned the client down because her case was very complicated.  Ray investigated the case, hired expert medical consultants to review the case with him, and was able to put together a strong theory of liability against the doctor who made an error in treatment.  The client suffered significant injuries that will affect her for the rest of her life.  With the money recovered, the client was able to have an expensive medical procedure that will give her an opportunity to live a normal life despite the injury she suffered, as well as provide her with some financial security as she continues to recover from her injury.

$1 Million
Auto Accident

Many times, auto accidents can occur as the result of more than one careless driver.  In this case, there were two different vehicles that struck the client’s car, but only one of the two drivers was cited.  Unfortunately, that driver had minimal insurance limits and no ability to pay more than his insurance.  After a thorough investigation, and after consulting with medical and engineering experts, Ray was able to establish that both of the other drivers shared responsibility for the injuries suffered by the client, resulting in a fair recovery for the client.

Auto Accident

In this case, Ray’s client suffered a neck injury requiring surgery.  The client went through several years of painful medical treatment and rehabilitation but ultimately was able to return to many of his pre-accident activities.  Even though the client made a good recovery from his injuries, Ray was able to make a convincing argument that this young man had endured a significant amount of pain and suffering as a result of being injured and, even though the client was back to doing many of the things he did before the accident, it was only because of his dedication to following his doctors’ advice.  With the recovery obtained in this case, the client was able to fulfill his dream of starting his own business.

Motorcycle Accident

Unfortunately, there are far too many accidents involving motorcycles because many motorists are not cautious and fail to see motorcycles until it is too late.  In this case, Ray’s client was riding his motorcycle to work when a truck made an improper left turn into his path, causing serious injury.  Unfortunately, the at-fault driver carried only minimal insurance coverage and had no assets to contribute to cover the client’s medical costs.  The client initially consulted with a different law firm and was advised to accept a $10,000 offer from the insurance company.  Based on the medical expenses already incurred, and the time lost from work, the client would still have substantial debt if he accepted this offer.  The client feared that he and his family would lose their home due to the disability that resulted from this accident as well.  Fortunately, the client sought out Ray for a second opinion. Ray investigated and discovered an alternate source of insurance coverage and was able to obtain a significantly higher amount for the client.  After the case was resolved, the client was able to pay off all of his medical bills, move his family into a new home, and purchase a new vehicle.

Trip & Fall

Property owners are responsible for providing safe premises in certain circumstances, and they are required to avoid creating harmful situations that might cause injuries to others who are lawfully on the property.  These cases can be especially complicated due to the fact that the injured party is often blamed for not being more attentive to the condition that causes him or her to fall.  In this case, the client tripped while walking down a ramp at a hotel after leaving the restaurant.  The hotel argued that the client was not watching where she was going, and the fall was completely her fault.  After consulting with an expert witness, Ray was able to establish that the hotel’s ramp was not in compliance with the appropriate building codes, and the negligent design led to the client suffering a knee injury requiring arthroscopic surgery.

Assault at Apartment Complex

Cases involving injury due to criminal acts are very often emotionally charged and can lead to devastating physical and emotional injury to the victim.  Holding property owners responsible for crimes committed on their property can be very difficult, as they will always claim that the criminal act was not something they could foresee or prevent.  Here, Ray’s client was assaulted while taking a walk at her apartment complex in broad daylight.  The apartment complex and its insurance company vigorously denied any responsibility to the client, but Ray was able to establish that some of the careless policies implemented by the apartment complex created a situation that posed danger to the client on that terrible day.

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I would use this firm again and I would recommend them 100%!
- Kristi R.